Helpful links to other web sites
Western Pennsylvania Square & Round Dance Federation - This site lists square dance clubs in western Pennsylvania with information about when and where they dance. - Want to know where to dance when you travel? Find the dances here.
Taminations: A visual "Step-by-Step" dance moves website
A truly invaluable tool if you want to know how to do a particular call ! Check it out !
Sets In Order Magazines Archive - This site provides an index to the Sets In Order magazines uploaded to the Internet Archive. Sets In Order was published from 1948 to 1985 and chronicles the history of Modern Western Square Dancing.
Square Dance History Project - Find out about the history of square dancing in music, video, and documents. A very interesting site.
Roundalab, the organization for round dance cuers, has compiled a website that contains cue sheets for most round dances which are danced at square dances.
American Square Dance Magazine is the international magazine with information about the square dance community. You can subscribe to an on-line copy or have a paper copy mailed to you.