Why Square Dance

photos courtesy CALLERLAB

There are many benefits to square dancing.  Some are:

Square dancers walk an average of 5 miles during a two-hour dance. What a great way to get exercise without really trying!

For Home-Schooled Teens, square dancing lessons & dances may satisfy state Health/Physical Education Requirements.

Square dancing can lead to a slower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and improved cholesterol profile. Dancing strengthens weight-bearing bones and may help prevent or slow down loss of bone mass (osteoporosis). 

Calories - Dancing burns between 200 and 400 calories every 30 minutes of dancing. 

Square dancers learn to execute many calls which can be given in any order. It keeps the mind sharp as well as the body moving and healthy.  

The music is no longer just country western.  The dancing is done to a wide range of music.

Square dancers add their own special moves and sound effects to make the dancing more exciting. When dancing, you forget your daily worries and just concentrate on the dancing.

You meet friendly people from all walks of life in a non stressful environment.  

It costs about $6.00/person for a 2 1/2 hour dance.  Much less than going out to eat or to a movie.